



冰球突破官方平台招收国际学生,8月开学. 没有5月1日的最后期限. 然而, 由于处理国际学生申请的时间敏感性, 冰球突破mg平台要求在6月1日之前提交8月份学期的入学申请. 最简单、最实惠的申请方式是网上申请. 没有申请费,你可以在网上找到冰球突破mg平台 常见的应用程序!

一旦冰球突破mg平台收到你的申请, 冰球突破mg平台将开始等待完成您的申请所需的其他文件.



提交你的 官方成绩单 从你上过的高中/中学开始. Every effort will be made to review transcripts in your home language however the admissions office reserves the right to request an English translation if necessary.

  1. 文章. 250-500字解释你为什么想出国留学. 
  2. 推荐信 鼓励所有申请,但不是必需的.
  3. 不需要SAT/ACT考试.
  4. 如果英语不是你的母语,你必须提交一份 英语水平成绩的正式复印件.
  • TOEFL score of at least 550/79/213 (paper/internet/computer); TOEFL code 2640
  • 雅思成绩至少6分.5;
  • EIKEN - Pre-1级
  • SAT Reading and Writing Score of 500; SAT code 2640
  • 多邻国得分100分
  • IB高级成绩为5、6、7或A、B级
  • GCE或GCSE英语考试成绩为A或B
  • iTEP 3.8或以上

(Students not achieving the minimum scores 五月 have their results evaluated and determinations will be made on a case-by-case basis through the 招生 Office.)

英语水平测试豁免: You are exempt from the English Proficiency Test requirement if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • 你是英语为官方(或国家)语言国家的公民吗
  • 获得了美国大学的文凭吗.S. 高中
  • Have earned a diploma from a high school outside the US that is based on the American system of education and English is the primary language of instruction.
  • 已获得美国认可学院或大学的副学士或学士学位
  • Have completed a minimum of one year of study (two full-time semesters) at an accredited US college or university
  • Have completed a minimum of one year of study (two full-time semesters) at a college or university in a country where English is the official language.
  • Received a waiver from the 保罗·史密斯学院招生办公室 based on mutually agreed-upon documentation.


International applicants must submit external examination results that signify completion of their secondary school program and show that they are qualified for university study. 冰球突破官方平台接受申请人本国标准的一系列考试. 这类测试的例子包括:

  • 加入
  • 剑桥考试(A Level, AS Level, O Level)
  • Chinese National Higher Education Entrance Exam (Gao Kao) or 高中 Academic Proficiency Test (Xueye shuiping ceshi)
  • 国际学士学位
  • 西非考试委员会考试

检查结果必须经个别检查机构核实. 例如, Chinese credentials must be verified by the CDGDC; GCE exams taken in India must be verified by the Indian School Certificate Examinations; and students in Ghana, 尼日利亚, 利比里亚, Sierra Leone and Gambia must have their credentials verified by the West African Examination Council.

Students taking international O-level exams must have passes in five subjects with at least a grade of C in order to be eligible for admissions consideration.


如果你在中学/高中毕业后进入了学院或大学, 请以国际转学生的身份申请. Any student who has previously attended another higher education institution cannot apply as a new freshman.


  1. English language proficiency: International students must document their English language proficiency through TOEFL/IELTS/DuoLingo unless they have attended college in the United States for one consecutive year.
  2. Send official transcripts directly to Paul Smith’s Office of Admission for all previously attended colleges. 美国以外的任何一所大学, 冰球突破mg平台需要对每门课进行评估, 以你为代价. 冰球突破mg平台需要由 世界教育服务(WES).
  3. 推荐信和论文是不需要的,但建议最佳考虑.

Once your application is completed you will generally know of an admissions decision within two weeks. 将您的申请、官方成绩单和英语水平分数提交至:


P.O. 265箱

保罗·史密斯,NY 12970 USA.


We will accept unofficial emailed copies of documents for admissions purposes but official mailed copies will be required should you choose to attend. 请将文件电邮至 jrossi@taijipx.net.


Paul Smith’s College will issue an I-20 to accepted international students upon receipt and review of the following required documents. The I-20 is the document required to make your student visa appointment at the Embassy or Consulate and is the first step of the F-1 student visa process.

​​1. 护照:提交护照身份页照片复印件或扫描件.

  1. Proof of financial status: Submit a completed financial verification form along with supporting documents from within the past six months showing sufficient funds to cover the first year of study. 证明文件包括银行对账单或银行信函.

转校表:如果从美国转校.S. based college or university please complete the transfer-in form with the international student advisor at your current university. 您的指导老师应将填妥的表格电邮至 jrossi@taijipx.net.


  • 以流动资产形式(现金存款)表明所需货币数额的银行对账单, 存单, 储蓄账户)
  • Investment statements indicating liquid assets (submissions need to include clear evidence of the funds liquidity and the cash surrender value)
  • Business bank accounts need to include a letter on company letterhead stating the financial guarantor has signatory authority on the referenced account.
  • 奖学金的信件
  • 信贷额度
  • 政府的资助


  • 特许会计师报表
  • 工资报表/预期收入
  • 税务报表
  • 房地产评估
  • 关于财产、珠宝、汽车和其他非流动资产的报表
  • 缺少货币金额的银行对账单
  • 保险政策
  • 其他非流动资产表
  • 未经签署人验证的商业名称银行账户


“eShipGlobal” 是一项在线服务,学生可以使用信用卡(Visa, 万事达卡, 或只发现卡片). 不通过FedEx或DHL网站要求送货. 所有与快件相关的通信将由eShipGlobal服务处理. 透过环球邮付特快专递邮件,请按下列指示办理:

  1. http://study.eshipglobal.Com(链接是外部的)(在ie浏览器上效果最好 & Mozilla Firefox浏览器).
  2. 点击“学生”部分下的“注册”.
  3. 通过填写在线表格注册一个帐户. 知道学生的名字吗, 邮寄地址, 电子邮件地址, 电话号码, 信用卡资料准备好了.
  4. Paul Smith’s College International 招生 Office will receive an email confirmation from EShipGlobal with your ma伊犁ng label and will ship documents within 24 hours of receipt.

如有任何困难,请使用“帮助(外部链接)链接到eShipGlobal网站,以访问他们的逐步说明. Paul Smith’s College International Office is unable to resolve technical problems associated with the eShipGlobal service.



  • 学费 & 费用                     $ 33009年.00
  • 住房 & 膳食计划$14,236.00
  • 直接成本:47,245美元.00


  • 个人开支1562美元.00
  • 书                                     $ 500年.00
  • 健康保险$2,000.00
  • 运输                        $ 1939年.00
  • 间接成本共计6,001美元.00



所有被录取的国际学生都保证获得10美元的奖学金,000-$21,根据高中/中学成绩,每年可获得000英镑. 没有单独的申请流程. 奖学金金额将包含在你的录取通知书中.  We 五月 offer additional need-based financial aid as a part of a separate application process once you have been accepted.


  • Excellence     >3.0   $13,000
  • 成就2.5-2.99  $12,000
  • 荣誉:2.0-2.49 $11,000
  • Recognition   <2.0   $10,000



  • DO 通过信誉良好的网站申请.
  • DO 尽早并经常申请.
  • DO 包括个人目的陈述.
  • 使用ChatGPT来写你的目的陈述.
  • 从未为注册付费或付费.
  • 忽略小额奖学金,每一点都有帮助!

Paul Smith’s College proudly partners with the International Language Institute of Massachusetts (ILI). ILI offers online and in-person English proficiency courses that will prepare you for college level coursework at Paul Smith’s College. 直接与ILI合作,或者冰球突破mg平台可以将您与他们的团队联系起来! 完成你的英语语言课程,转学到冰球突破官方平台成为全日制学生. 你的大学之旅从这里开始!

ILI位于美丽的马萨诸塞州北安普顿市中心. 国际ILI在语言教学和教师培训方面取得了35年的卓越成就. 这所精品语言学校提供熟练的教师, small student-centered English language classes and accommodations with carefully selected community members who live within walking distance or on a short bus ride from the school. 学校提供在线和校园强化英语和教师培训证书课程. Northampton is a culturally rich university town with 4 colleges and a major university within 15km of the school. 学生可以使用世界一流的图书馆, 博物馆, 电影节和美味的餐馆都在一个美丽而安全的新英格兰小镇, 距离波士顿和纽约只有几个小时的路程. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.伊犁.edu.



An 国际朋友 helps fac伊犁tate an international student’s transition and experience here at Paul Smith’s College according to their needs, 文化背景, 和信仰.



